Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Findadeath Update: For the Love of Dick

Fact:  In 1991 Dick Sargent who portrayed Darren #2 on Bewitched came out as a gay man. 
Actually a tabloid snitched that he was part of the Gays and Sargent took it by the horns and went with it.

Fact:   Elizabeth Montgomery aka Samantha on Bewitched was down with the gays.  Here's a quote from an interview Lizzie did with The Advocate:

“We talked about it on the set that this was about people not being allowed to be what they really are. If you think about it, Bewitched is about repression in general and all the frustration and trouble it can cause. It was a neat message to get across to people at that time in a subtle way.”

Being an all around groovy gal who supports her pals, Elizabeth sat alongside Mr. Sargent in a convertible to co-Grand Marshall the 1992 West Hollywood Gay Pride Parade.

May not be Fact, but I want it to be:

When asked to comment about the day and their being in the parade, Lizzie allegedly said she was doing it,

"For the love of Dick."

Photo by Andrew Whitenack

Please let this be true.

In 2016 Dearly Departed Tours was in the Gay Pride Parade. 

Look!  We have Lizzie's wicker settee in Dearly Departed Tours.

Thanks Andrew Whitenack and Mark Langlois

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